Friday, 25 May 2018

Term 2 Week 4

In Room 21 we are all great 'Bucket Fillers'. Everyday we celebrate this by choosing someone who has 'filled our bucket'. We acknowledge them by giving them a feather to put in their bucket that hangs in the classroom.

Taylor-"I give mine to Chloe for being a kind friend and playing with me at lunch".
James-"I give my feather to Harry for being kind friend and using nice words with me."

We have been talking about our feelings this week with our 'Mood Monsters'. We spoke about our feelings and how we react when we feel excited, surprised, sad and angry.

Our acting skills were put to the test on Friday when we were put in groups to act out a different hero in our community. These heroes definitely show Manaakitanga.

In writing we are continuing with our Lego stories and look forward to sharing these with you soon.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Term 2 Week 3

Another terrific week has passed with lots of children showing kindness and on Friday showed their support by wearing something pink for 'Pink Shirt Day'.

On Tuesday we thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the Buddhist Temple.

As a class we have been intrigued by the volcano showing signs of life in Hawaii. Lauchy brought in a special book all about volcanoes and so Room 21 decided we would like to create a paper mache volcano. For Fab Friday we begun creating our volcano and next week we plan on painting it.

We also began our art work that helps us to understand symmetry.

The cubetto kit has been well used and helps us to learn all about coding.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Term 2 Week 2

This week we have had a special week talking about our Mums and thinking about how we can show our love, especially this Sunday.

On Tuesday we had a visit from Laura and Kai who taught us how to be safe around dogs. She showed us how to stand like a tree if a dog comes towards us.

For Pet Day, Jamie, Mrs Davies' daughter brought in her bearded dragon for us to look at. His name was Norman and he was 4 months old. He eats meal worms and likes a hot climate.

On Thursday some children helped out by digging for vegetables with Mrs Daniel. We were impressed with what we found.

We celebrated the end of the week by sharing our learning at Assembly. We performed Kotahitangi to the Koru Assembly.
Check out this great video!

Well done Chloe and Tamzin for earning  certificates at Koru Whanau Assembly!

Friday, 4 May 2018

Term 2 Week 1

What a great week we had back at school. We were all very excited to share our holiday stories with our friends!

In addition to our continued Literacy and Numeracy learning we also enjoyed the start of our Physical Education programme with a focus on large ball skills.

Thursday we had our trip to the Maritime Museum where we continued learning about everyday heroes.

Theo-"The highlight of my day was going on the bus to the Maritime Museum".

Hayley-"My favourite part was singing on the bus".

Alex-"The cannon exploded at 12pm. It was very loud".

Max-The highlight of my day was my mum coming".