Weekly Reminders


Wow! 7 Weeks have flown by. Room 21 have certainly made the most of the continued learning opportunities. There has been much discussion around 'filling buckets', our growing seedlings, and desiging our very own Superhero! Please check out the blog for some great photos! https://room21shs2018.blogspot.co.nz/

On Friday 23rd during Fab Friday the students will be able to decorate their masks. Some have said they would like to bring in decorations from home. Ie feathers, gem stones etc. This is fine by me as long as they have checked with you first that their items can be brought to school and stuck on their masks.

The Week Ahead

Monday-Swimming and Library
Tuesday-Normal School Day
Wednesday -Gold Coin donation for project Jonah
Friday-Fab Friday-Easter Activties and decorating our masks. Thank you Helen for offering to help. We would love another couple of parents if possible.

We are still hopeful that someone may be able to help the students on our Bugs and Butterflies Garden.

Have a terrific weekend everyone,

Kind regards



Dear Parents,

Another week has flown by.
I hope your child is coming home full of exciting stories to share of their daily adventures at school.

The Week Ahead
Week 5

   -Swimming Togs
Tuesday-Normal School Day
Wednesday-Normal School Day
Friday-Last day to return the newsletter regarding collection on Tuesday 13th March for union meetings.
         -Spelling Testing

A few reminders
Please could your child bring in an individual yoghurt container this week to use for our next Fab Friday session. We are going to grow some seeds hopefully!  It would be helpful if their name was written on the bottom.

A newsletter went home today regarding our trip to the Maritime Museum next term.

Don't forget to sign up to our blog by email. This way you get an email every time a new story is published.

Please vote for Sunnyhills at http://www.schoolgen.co.nz/voteforyourschool/

Plea for help
Room 21 is short of wet day games. If you are having a clean out and come across any board games or activties you think the children would enjoy, we would love to use them. I am currently searching second hand stores too in the hope of some good bargins!

What you could say to your child instead of how was your day?
What made you smile today?
How did you fill someone's bucket today?
Tell me something you know today that you didn't know yesterday?
What did you have to try really hard at today?


Dear Parents,
Our first full week at school and my goodness we have been very busy.
We have been working hard on our self portraits during Art, making the most of our ‘Osmo’ sessions and enjoying our trips to the pool!
Thank you to Daniel’s mum and Alex’s mum for helping Room 21 celebrate Chinese New Year. The children loved creating Chinese lanterns, decorations and dragons.

Homework begins this week.
Your child will bring home a reader that they have read with an adult in class from Monday-Thursday. They are expected to re read this reader to you during the course of the week. Please keep these readers in your child’s book bag so they can be referred to during the learning week. Students are placed according to ability. Testing is ongoing and movement between these groups  frequent. Please ask your child to fill in their reading log and return it to school each day.

On Monday children will be sent home with their spelling words. These words are selected based on a pre test and storywriting errors.  Please help your child to learn these at home.  Their spelling books are to be kept in their book bag as we refer to these lists during the course of the week. They will be tested on these words on Friday.

At the front of your child’s reading log there is a letter explaining ‘Studyladder’. This is an online system that re-enforces skills taught in the classroom.  This is an optional activity.
The Week Ahead
Monday-Filming for those that have returned their permission slip
-Homework issued
Tuesday   Normal School Day
Wednesday Normal School Day
Friday-Spelling words Test

-Koru Assembly-Parents and Family welcome


Another short week has come to an end!

The students of Room 21 have been busy writing about what they want to be when they grow up and the qualities that these jobs require.

This week we begin our Term 1 News programme. On the following days students will be asked to share news of their choice. Some students may need some key ideas on a piece of paper to help them along.

Monday-Hoiho House
Tuesday-Kea House
Wednesday-Takeha House
Thursday- Tui House
Friday- Anyone who has news is able to share their news.

What’s happening in Week 3?

Monday-Swimming-Please can you remind your child to pack their gear. If they are unable to swim they require a note for home. Swimming is an important part of our curriculum.
Tuesday- Home/Partnership Meetings
Wednesday-Normal school Day
-Home/Partnership Meetings

Friday –Chinese New Year. If there are any special adults that would like to help the children celebrate with some arts and crafts we would love to have you join us. Please could you email me your interest.
As part of our celebrations I would love to dress for the occasion. If you happen to have an outfit or top that I could wear for the day, I would be very grateful. I promise to take great care of it!

For those that missed the newsletter given out at the PTA picnic for Room 21 I have attached it to this email.

Have a lovely weekend!
Rachael Fullard


It’s hard to believe our first week is over already!
Room 21 has been very busy this week. Getting to know each other and establishing rules and expectations for the year ahead.
The Week Ahead
Monday-Teacher Only Day
Tuesday-Waitangi Day
Wednesday-Normal School Day
Thursday-Swimming gear required in a named bag.
  - 5:30-7:30 Meet the Teacher –PTA Picnic
Friday-Normal School Day

This week we have been talking about being a ‘bucket filler’. I hope you child is talking to you about this at home and helping to fill your bucket too!

*-I am collecting ice cream containers and newspaper for upcoming art sessions. I would love to recycle them for you if you have any at home.
*-Art Shirts-Next week we begin painting. To keep our uniforms ‘paint free’, please could your child bring in an old named  t-shirt from home. Old mum and dad long sleeved tops usually work a treat!
*-News-For Week 2 children have the option of bringing news in as part of our oral language programme. A more formal news programme will begin in Week 3.

Dear Parents,

Wow! What a day of fun and excitement in Room 21. A few nervous faces this morning but by morning tea everyone was in 'full swing'.

It was lovely getting to know the children as they came in,full of exciting stories to share of their holiday adventures.

Thank you for having all of their stationery ready to go. This has now been collated and will be used shortly.

We begin swimming this Thursday. Our swimming days are Monday and Thursday. Please send named togs, towel and goggles in a named plastic bag on these days. If your child is unable to swim for any reason please let me know via email.

Today I spoke to the children about 'Pet Day'. No doubt they will have come home today telling you all about it. This is an optional activity where children have the option of bringing in their pet to share with the class for 10 minutes. It's a wonderful opportunity for students to develop confidence at standing up in front of an audience and talking about something they are passionate about. During the course of the year you are welcome to email me with a range of possible dates, usually at the beginning or end of the day and we will come to a suitable time that suits us all. If your child doesn't have a pet they are welcome to bring a photo of their dream pet!

I am also on the hunt for any sized ice-cream containers. If you have any, I will kindly take them off your hands.

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