Friday, 13 April 2018

Reflecting on a Terrific First Term Together

Harry-"This term I have worked hard at solving Maths problems. Next term I will continue being a bucket filler".
Lucas- "I am proud of making new friends this term. Next term I want to keep working hard at my basic facts".
James-"I am proud at my improvement in writing and next term I am going to work hard at my maths".
Felix-"This term I am proud of getting faster at running. Next term I want to be better at reading".
Ryan-"I have been good at bucket filling and next term I am going to get quicker at my basic facts".
Hayley-"I have been good at being a bucket filler. Next term I am going to work hard on learning hard spelling words".
Max-"I am proud of my maths. Next term I am going to try hard at running faster".
Lithara-"This term I have been great at filling other people's buckets. Next term I want to try harder at topic studies".
Daniel-"This term I have been working on improving my spelling. Next term I am going to work on spelling harder words".
Theo-"This term I am going to try hard at my spelling. I am going to work hard at improving my maths next term".
Taylor-"I have been proud at bucket filling and next term I am going to work on my basic facts".
Jackson-"This term I have worked hard at art and crafts and I have done a good job. Next term I will try to work harder at topic time'.
Dilan-"This term I have been a bucket filler and next term I want to try harder during Maths time".
Chloe-"This term I have been great at bucket filling and caring for others. Next term I am going to improve my art.
Zach-"This term I have done a fantastic job at learning my spelling words. Next term I want to keep trying hard with my artwork".
Jamie -"This term I have been good at maths but next term I want to try harder at my swimming".
Marco-"This term I have tried hard with my running and next term I want to improve my handwriting".
Lauchy-"I have been good at reading and next term I am going to focus on keeping my handwriting tidy".
Tamzin-"This term I have been fantastic at my story writing and next term I am going to work on improving my swimming".
Himanshu-"This term I am have worked hard at learning my spelling words and next term I am going to work hard to improve my handwriting".
Miss Fullard-"I am proud of the way I have problem solved this term. Next term I am going to work hard at solving new challenges".


  1. Love your thoughtful reflection Room 21. Great goal setting for term 2. What superstars you are!

  2. I love reading how each and everyone of you has enjoyed this term! Well done room 21 - just 3 terms and your Year 2 year with Miss Fullard will be finished! It will go very quickly, so make the most of each and every day!
